ERC Australia and Carbonhalo Merge to Revolutionize Business Climate Action Programs

Simplifying emissions reporting and climate action for businesses. Discover new programs, features, and our commitment to a sustainable future.


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Exceptional value
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Creates reports to share
Creates reports to share
Entry level to advanced need
Entry level to advanced needs

The ERC Protocol is trusted by Industry Associations and SMEs

We tailored a simple and affordable climate action program just for SMEs.

In Australia, 98% of all businesses are SMEs - that's 2.4 million businesses. Every business currently produces too many carbon emissions - even yours!

Running an SME is already hard. There's so much to do! So, we need to help SMEs go carbon-free.

Here are five compelling reasons we developed this program for you: 

  1. Environment: High levels of carbon emissions destroy the planet by heating it up. 
  2. Sales: Customers are more and more favouring sustainable businesses. 
  3. Reputation: Cutting carbon emissions is good for your brand. 
  4. Bottom line: Cutting carbon emissions saves you money in energy and resources. 
  5. Staff: Green credentials can attract and retain employees.
Easy to do
Easy to do
Chart bars
Exceptional value
Exceptional value
User friendly
User friendly

The ERC Protocol 

We recognise that running an SME is demanding. 

That's why we developed a simple and affordable climate action program that Industry Associations can roll out to their members, called the ERC Protocol. 

Why should you care? 

  • Regulations: Stricter regulations are coming. They may require you to have a plan. 
  • Big clients: Large emitters expect suppliers and service providers to cut emissions.
  • Markets: Being sustainable opens doors to new markets and opportunities.
  • Selling Point: Set your business apart in the market.
  • Investment: Green businesses attract socially responsible investors.

Everything you need in one simple online portal

Once you register, our online system guides you through the five simple stages to develop your plan.

Your subscription as a minimum includes:

  • All the tools you need to develop your plan and monitor your progress.
  • All the tools you need to communicate your plan, even if you have no website.
  • Accreditation logos and badges.
  • Help desk and support from real people.
  • Personalised emissions estimation report.

With the ERC Protocol, it's easy for SMEs to go carbon-free

Cutting Carbon has been difficult for SMEs because most programs are designed for large businesses. 

These programs don't work for SMEs because they are expensive, complex, time-consuming and require specialised knowledge. 

We needed to fix this so that SMEs can also be part of the solution and benefit from being carbon-free. 

That’s why we have developed the ERC Protocol, which is a carbon emissions action program just for SMEs. 

It has the key elements of the programs used by large businesses, just made simple, fast and affordable to do.

Join our monthly ERC Protocol Demo session! 
Discover how easy and impactful decarbonising your business can be. 

Register here 

Five simple stages - ERC Protocol

We show you the path - follow the five simple stages

Our program has five simple stages for you to follow:

  1. Commit: Make a start by estimating your carbon emissions. It's that easy!
  2. Reduce: Adjust your operations and start cutting emissions, straight away!
  3. Avoid: Stop using carbon-producing technologies and processes to get your energy.
  4. Support: Sponsor projects that cut emissions you can't stop making.
  5. Sustain: Keep going! Maintain your progress in the medium and long term.

Be rewarded for progress - not perfection! 

Embark on a journey where every step counts towards you decarbonising your business: 

  • No need for a perfect climate plan; we'll guide you.
  • Progress is key; plans cover both current and future actions.
  • Perfect data isn't essential; refine it as you go.
  • Efforts are celebrated; stakeholders value your positive direction.
  • You've likely begun already; we help build on your existing efforts.
  • Feel empowered; many find the process simpler and more rewarding than expected.


Get started now

Be rewarded for progress
Collaboration is key-let's team up for our planet.

Collaboration is key-let's team up for our planet.

As a small business part of an Industry Association, they can unite their members under one program and inspire others to develop an action plan.

  • Easily form teams and invite businesses to join forces.
  • Highlight your impact in a dedicated section of your emission plan.
  • Engage with other members' teams, amplifying collective efforts.
  • We handle onboarding: join webinars and workshops for guidance and training.

What is the ERC Protocol?

The ERC Protocol includes practical resources, expert support and a workable climate action program designed to get fast and lasting results. It is simple and affordable program designed for SMEs. Learn more about our innovative model by watching our video.

Our solution for your type of business and industry

We offer a simple and affordable climate action program to help SMEs go carbon-free.

We work with all kinds of SMEs to help them on their decarbonisation journey.

We also work with Industry Associations with SME members that want to unite their members under one program. 

"It was all so simple and exactly what we needed and wanted as a eco-conscious small business keen to do better! It made us realise how much we were already doing to actively reduce our carbon emissions and gave us heaps of practical ideas on how we can further reduce them. Even small changes make such a difference!"

- Director/Owner, Zoe Exton at Tasmanian Mountain Bike

"We ran into a few issues due to the way our organisation works which is slightly different, as well as our offices being rented in a heritage building - however the ERC team has been super helpful in working through it all! Also, the way the action plan set-up is layed out looks amazing!"

- Office and Ticketing Manager, Linda Morrow, Festival of Voice

"Overall, I found it very intuitive. As someone who isn't experienced in technical reporting, I felt able to manage the process, without being overwhelmed."

- Coordinator, Joanna Gair at Bass Strait Maritime Centre

“Completing the ERC Action Plan was not a resource-intensive process - it included actions we have already taken, options we were considering, and suggested actions of which we weren’t aware. It allowed us to set realistic, manageable and flexible goals for emissions reduction,"

- Owner, Kylie Quilliam at Laid Back Manor

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